About us


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Our philosophy is elevating pet well-being.


The high-altitude environment in Taiwan produces excellent quality mountain tea leaves that are commonly used in the beverage industry. After extracting the tea leaves for drinks, they are combined with cat litter and undergo fermentation and high-temperature sterilization. This combination creates a natural aroma that effectively deodorizes and promotes beneficial bacteria. It's important to note that the pure natural ingredients used are safe for cats, providing pet owners with peace of mind. We support the production of pure natural products through agricultural circular economy practices.

Our tea leaf probiotic cat litter not only has a refreshing scent but also exhibits strong clumping and absorbency properties. This product's odor control can last up to two weeks, reducing the need for pet owners to frequently clean their cat's litter box. Our tea leaf cat litter can be easily dissolved in water and flushed down the toilet. It can also be used as fertilizer in soil, promoting agricultural circular economy efforts and protecting the environment.

台灣因天然的高山地理環境故產出高質量的高山茶葉,茶葉在飲品界中也是相當常被使用的成分, 一旦茶葉被萃取製成飲品過後,使用過後的茶葉會透過發酵高溫殺菌的方式與貓砂做結合,茶葉的天然香氣與貓砂合成過後可以達到良好除臭益菌效果。


We are committed to developing environmentally friendly research and development processes and achieving harmony between people, nature, and everything else.


As a company, we are committed to developing environmentally friendly research and development processes and achieving harmony between people, nature, and everything else. By creating a non-toxic and drug-free environment, we aim to harness the power of nature to address challenges rather than solely relying on antibiotics and synthetic chemicals. This approach benefits the natural environment and reduces the risks associated with the overuse of pharmaceuticals, such as drug-resistant bacteria.

We strive to maintain the stability of nature and all things by managing them in a friendly and sustainable way. Probiotics, a group of extremely important bacteria that have coexisted with the earth for a long time, improve the quality of life. Ensure that the environment is non-toxic and drug-free, use nature’s power to overcome nature’s crisis, and no longer blindly rely on antibiotics and drugs. With natural wisdom, create sustainable products.




Our concept


product value
G5 01

Agricultural Circular Economy

The aim is to minimize waste, improve resource efficiency, and promote environmental protection while ensuring the long-term viability of agricultural production.

G5 02

Easy to preserve

Exclusive Technology Development for Convenient Preservation, Worry-Free from Bacterial and Insect Infestation during Long-Term Storage

G5 03

Reduce bacteria

Exclusive Technology Development for Convenient Preservation, Worry-Free from Bacterial and Insect Infestation during Long-Term Storage

G5 04

All-Natural Odor Eliminator, Non-Toxic

Exclusive Research and Development of Probiotic Odor-Elimination Beyond Expectations, Free from Artificial Fragrances

G5 05

water-soluble coagulation

獨家凝結技術更有效包覆避免浪費 快速溶解於水中
Exclusive Coagulation Technology for Enhanced Encapsulation, Minimizing Waste, and Rapid Dissolution in Water


Symbiotic mixed culture

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  • The synergistic symbiotic culture technology described here is a fascinating approach to producing probiotic products. By co-cultivating different strains of bacteria in a specific ratio, they can support each other’s growth through nutrient exchange, creating a harmonious and mutually beneficial environment. This balance allows the probiotic flora to quickly assist in balancing the user’s intestinal microbiota after consumption.
  • One of the key advantages of this technology lies in the precise fermentation of the bacterial flora, which ensures that the strains achieve a perfectly balanced symbiotic relationship. This balance maximizes the production of beneficial metabolites and overall bacterial counts, enhancing the potential health benefits for the consumer.
  • In contrast, many commercially available probiotic products on the market are often produced by culturing individual strains separately and then mixing them together. This conventional method may lead to mutual inhibition among the strains when co-administered. As a result, the mixture may not effectively compete with the native gut bacteria, limiting their colonization in the intestinal tract and potentially reducing their overall benefits.
  • By employing synergistic symbiotic culture technology, probiotic products can be better tailored to the needs of the human or animal host, optimizing their impact on gut health and overall well-being. It is essential for consumers to choose probiotic products that are backed by scientific research and proven to be effective through clinical studies. Always consult with healthcare professionals or veterinarians when incorporating probiotics into your or your pet’s diet for personalized guidance and recommendations.




Exclusive technology

Challenge trials
Competitive Analysis of Features
Symbiotic mixed culture
Double Coating Probiotics


Why Do Pet Odors Smell So Bad

  • Cats secrete a protein called “CAUXIN” from their kidneys, which is found in particularly high concentrations in feline species. This protein is one of the reasons that their urine can have a strong and pungent odor.
  • Additionally, cat urine contains a rich array of volatile compounds, with up to 100 different volatile substances being detected in their urine. Among these, the unique odor of cat urine is attributed to compounds like felinine, a derivative of the amino acid felinine.
  • The combination of CAUXIN protein and various volatile substances contributes to the distinctive and sometimes strong smell of cat urine.
